Monday, June 11, 2007

Finally!!!! yesterday i spent almost 2 hours trying to post on here but i couldnt figure out how since it was all in french. i thought it was kinyarwanda but its french and i speak more kinyarwanda than french. Luckily i figured out how to change the language to engligh now.
I dont have much time to write today but i wanted to give you all a little update. After having been sick all weekend i am finally feeling better today. I puke my guts out on saturday 7 times and had a 102 degree fever. It wasnt fun but i am feeling much better.
Saturday morning before i got sick I went over to the orphange to spend some time with the kids. It broke my heart to see which of the kids from the early learning program are in the orphanage. The kids there are adorable. there is a six month old, atleast that is my estimate, baby there who is adorable. I want to bring her home with me! her name is debbie.
I have to run because i am in the internet cafe again and we are running to the store now but hopefully in my next post Ill be able to write about what daily life is like here becuause boy is it different.
I hope you are all having fabulous summers! Eat a hamburger for me.


Anonymous said...

sick! that's bad! wow, puking your guts out - that's a nice visual...

pukin out all my guts out - while we party!

kaylabee said...

Danadoodle!! i'm so sorry to hear that you were sick!! <33 i wish i could give you a big hug! i'm glad you're feeling better though.
i love you so much!
we have the coffee news at Myplace and i saw it the other day while i was setting up the newspaper :) obviously i thought of you!

Anonymous said...

Dana........Are you sure about the # of puking incidents???? Your mom said that you would want to bring home the kids..I had a hamburger in your honor.It was good. Liz mentioned you at the monthly meeting tonite. Have MORE fun. LOve ya! Barbara

Anonymous said...

HI danayna!!! I'm soooo sad that you were sick last weekend..Nurse Nicole wasn't there to help you, but I'm there in spirit.
I really wish I was there after you telling me all about it..the kids sound amazing and soo cute!
I hope your feeling better and my summer's ok..I got 82s on both my exams and 88 on both of my lab quizzes, thought you'd like to know.
Keep doing good and I love you lots!!! <33

Anonymous said...

Hey Dana,
Wow, sorry to hear that you were sick. What was wrong? I am glad to hear that you are doing better. Praying for you and missing you!