Saturday, June 2, 2007

And the journey starts...

It's Saturday morning, and in a few hours my mom and I are driving down to Washington DC, spending a night in a hotel, and then my plane takes off tomorrow morning. We have a "technical" stop in Rome to refuel and then I have a 2 hour lay over and plane change in ethiopia. It's 15 hours to ethiopia and then another 4 or so to Rwanda. It should be fun! heh.

I finally got my passport on Thursday. After having submitted my papers over 2 months ago I still didn't have my it so I called them 2 weeks before I was leaving- they said they would put a rush on it and I would have it in a week. Over course I didn't, so I called two more times and finally they made me an appointment in NYC to get an emergency passport. We had to get up at 5am and we were in the city waiting in a long line on a street corner by 7. Over 5 hours later I finally had my passport. Yeah, that was fun. But I'm finally all set to go. My bags are packed, the house is clean (we have having an open house tomorrow to try to sell it- so the house had to be spotless), and most of my goodbyes have been said. Now it's just a few short hours until I'm off.

I'll write when I get there :)


Unknown said...

Take care Dana, Im pray for you, read the email I send you... jejeje

Your friend from Chile


PD: Sorry my english, now Im learning more! xD

Anonymous said...

*sorry, posted this on wrong one.... this site is evil... it hates my password...*

wow.... off to rwanda... you just can't sit still, can you? hope that that plane ride isn't as intensely horrible as it could be - by the time you read this it'll be over, i hope that i'm not bringing up too many bad memories... :-D you will forever rule my world, you surrogate sister, you - so remember THAT as you sweat and work and eat weird food! Bwahahahahahah! yeah, make sure that you fill us in on all the weird food that you get to eat! i wanna know!