Wednesday, June 6, 2007

i made it!
i want to appologize now for all of my spelling and grammer mistakes that will be in this post. The keybord here is very different and the keys are in all of the wrong places. I am in an internet cafe so i do not have a lot of time to type.
My flight over here was not bad. I went 8 hours from DC to Rome, stayed on the plane there and then went 6 hours to ethiopia and on those flights I had two seats to myself so i could stretch out. it was nice. then i had a 2 hour lay over in ethiopia and i changed planes then had a stop over in kenya and i finally got to Rwanda on monday afternoon. There was a group of Rwandans there to greet me so it was nice! For the drive to their house we took a 18 person taxi and i couldnt believe how many people there were walking along the road and i seriously thought that we were going to hit some of them, but we didnt and now im getting used to their driving.
Yesterday and today i helped out at the early learning program which is the 3 to5 year olds. I love them so much. They are adorable. when i first went outside and met them they all ran up to me and were touching my skin and playing with my hair. They still love touching my skin. I am impressed with how well they listen. i guess they zere crazy at first but now they listen very well. Im going to be teaching all 4 classes of the early learning program english. I taught one clqss today but it was hard becuqse i had no helped to translate for me. Usually I will have eric translting to the kids. They know their colors, numbers, and body parts in english and we are working on the alphabet now. I will post some picture of them later once i take some and if i can figure out how!
we also had childrens day on tuesday where 230 kids came and they sang songs and such. It was really cute.
alright, i have to go now because i only have 10 minutes left at the computer and this website all comes up in the native lqnguqge kinyarwanda it may take me that long to figure out how to post it. I hope that you are all doing well!! take care. Dana


Anonymous said...

wow, teaching english - sounds a little overwhelming, at least you'll be there for awhile and can really fit in as time goes on. that's really cool that all the kids seem so interested! from a former day care worker - it makes all the difference in the world... :-) don't kill anyone on the wild streets!

Sarah said...

you were missed this weekend at the mother/daughter... at one point, someone said, "isn't dana leaving for rwanda this weekend?" so I wanted to let you know that the love and support of many necc birds go with you. :) also, will you come back driving like a rwandan?

Anonymous said...

that's awesomely wonderful! glad you're alive and things are going well! there will be a lot of us praying for you all summer! :-)

Anonymous said...

yeah! glad you arrived safely. we love you here in Newtown.

Jim said...

Hey Kiddo:

Glad you made it ok and are getting settled in. Sounds like, in addition to the food and supplies, you should have thrown in a keyboard ;). How is the outdoor kitchen and other niceties? If you have trouble posting pics, email them to Mom or I and I will get them up on a website. Cousin Rich in in CA right now, I'll text him to check out the blog. Keep safe and enjoy.

Anonymous said...

So glad you made it safely. If you were able to handle all that travel to get there, you'll be just fine with everything there! Had any guinea pig for dinner yet? Don't name them - it'll just make it harder. =) The kids sound wonderful. Too bad we loose so much of that innocence and wonder as we age. Makes the Scripture about the little children coming unto Jesus a little clearer. Enjoy every minute of them. I know they're enjoying you! Looking forward to future reports - stay safe and we love you.

kaylabee said...

it sounds amazing :)
you're wonderful<3